Elle a été liée pendant un temps à la fédération Léo-Scheer. Ses publications, d'une très haute tenue littéraire et intellectuelle, comptent des ouvrages de littérature contemporaine ainsi que des auteurs injustement tombés dans l'oubli. Elle a été créée par Jean-Pierre Boyer en 1998, pour succéder aux Éditions Fourbis. Farrago est une maison d'édition française installée à Tours, spécialisée dans la littérature, la poésie, la philosophie et les écrits sur l’art. In 2006, the publishing house was forced to cease operations due to lack of sufficient financial support. She was tied for a time to the Leo-Scheer federation. His literary and intellectual publications include works of contemporary literature and authors unjustly forgotten. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. It was created by Jean-Pierre Boyer in 1998, to succeed Editions Fourbis. Definition of farrago noun in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary.

Both derive from far, the Latin name for spelt (a type of grain).

While 'farrago' means a confused mixture, 'troglodyte' means a person regarded as being deliberately ignorant or old-fashioned.Farrago Farrago is a French publishing house based in Tours, specializing in literature, poetry, philosophy and writings on art. rago f-r- ()g -r- plural farragoes Synonyms of farrago : a confused mixture : hodgepodge Did you know Farrago might seem an unlikely relative of farina (the name for the mealy breakfast cereal), but the two terms have their roots in the same Latin noun. In the past as well he has stumped people with words such as 'farrago' and 'troglodyte'. Oxford dictionary describes 'floccinaucinihilipilification' as the action or habit of estimating something as worthless. Also, the Congress MP had engaged in friendly banter with TRS working president KT Rama Rao over COVID-19 medicine names and threw in the obscure 'floccinaucinihilipilification'. Before that, Tharoor took a dig at the BJP with the word 'allodoxaphobia', which he explained was an irrational fear of opinions. In politics, a quockerwodger was a politician acting on the instructions of an influential third party, rather than properly representing their constituents," he said. "A quockerwodger was a type of wooden puppet. Listen to the audio pronunciation of Farrago on pronouncekiwi. Last month, he posted the word quockerwodger. He tagged the Ministry of Railways, using the hashtag 'SeniorCitizensConcession'. In a tweet, Tharoor had said, "Obscure Words Deptt: Must the Indian Railways quomodocunquize?" "To make money by any means possible," the meaning posted by him had said. Earlier this month, Tharoor took a dig at the Ministry of Railways with a difficult-to-pronounce head-scratcher - quomodocunquize. This is not the first time the author-politician-wordsmith has sent Twitterati scurrying for their dictionaries to confirm whether such words indeed exist. Increased consumption of predominantly negative news could have psychological ill effects, in addition to causing political depression.," Tharoor tweeted with a screenshot of the word 'doomscrolling' and its meaning. "Word of the Era! Merriam Webster Dictionary says they are watching the increasing use of this term (along with 'doomsurfing'). "The act of continuously seeking out and reading bad news," read the meaning posted by the Congress leader. The man of many words helpfully shared the meaning too. New Delhi, May 31 (PTI) Congress leader Shashi Tharoor, known for throwing in rarely-used English words into Twitter lexicon, on Tuesday shared his "word of the era" - doomscrolling.